
GovernanceCorporate Governance

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Basic Approach to Corporate Governance

YOKOREI aims to respond to the trust placed in us by a wide range of stakeholders and to realize sustainable growth and raise medium- to long-term corporate value. We also aim to practice transparent and fair management and we are always working to improve corporate governance by making decision making swifter and strengthening oversight functions.

Basic Policy on Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Structure

Internal Controls Systems

Basic Policy on the Operation of Internal Controls System

Corporate Governance Report

Corporate Governance Report

Disclosure Policy

Basic Policy

YOKOREI's basic policy is to disclose important information regarding the company to all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, in a timely, fair, and appropriate manner.

Information Disclosure Methods

We disclose information stipulated by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Timely Disclosure Rules established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange without delay through the Timely Disclosure Network system (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and our corporate website.
Additionally, we also disclose any information that is not covered by disclosure requirements but that we deem to be material through our corporate website and other means.

Quiet Periods

In order to ensure impartiality and prevent the leakage of financial results, we designate the period staring from the day following the final day of a reporting period (including quarterly reporting periods) to the announcement of the relevant financial results as a quiet period during which we refrain from commenting or responding to inquiries and the like concerning our financial results.
However, if during this quiet period we find that results are expected to differ significantly from previously announced forecasts, we will disclose this in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Business Result Forecasts

Within the information disclosed, business result forecasts and future projections are forward looking statements created based on the information available on the day of release, and therefore contain a certain amount of potential risk and uncertainty. Please understand that actual business results may differ due to a variety of factors.